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Coaches -

Programming for an athlete can be tricky. Most young athletes have a training age of 0 and a schedule that is all over the place. That’s why I put together 5 rules to abide by in order to write an effective program. I am sure you can add a few, but these are my top 5, and yes, they are in order of importance.   1. Do no harm/prevent harm As strength coaches, sometimes it is easy to get caught up in athletes throwing weight around. We always have to remember that their sport ALWAYS comes before the weight room....

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Athletes -

Whether you are an athlete or an accountant, you should be doing some form of exercise throughout the week. By now we know how important it is for you physically and mentally. Most, find it hard to stay motivated due to their lack of knowledge with exercising or have no accountability. That’s why it is important to find the right gym for you.   As I thought about this, I worked backwards from happy. I thought about what exactly my athletes liked about my facility, and also other facilities that have a consistent client base. Three words came to mind...

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Coaches -

Would you like if a doctor was treating you for strep throat even though you have chicken pox? No, I didn’t think so. Far too often, I see athletes going through programs that just aren’t for them. For example, if an athlete has short arms, long legs, and a history of lower back pain, they shouldn't be pulling from the floor. Or if an athlete can bench more than they squat, then they shouldn't only have one day of lower body strength work. Some of you may be thinking, these are dumb examples, but unfortunately, it happens more often than...

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Athletes -

So, you worked hard all offseason making gains in every way possible. You’re squatting 315 for reps, vertical increased 8 inches, and finally mastered your 90/90 hip mobility drill. Then, the season comes and you decide to not train in season. After the season, you can barely squat 275, get off the ground, and your hips are stiff as ever. You will regain all of your progress after a few blocks of training, but wouldn’t it serve you better to come back at the same level? I hope you nodded yes because who wouldn't want that? Some of you may...

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Coaches -

In almost any program you look at, you will see some variation of rows (I hope). Examples of this movement are cable rows, barbell rows, TRX rows, and plenty of others. It’s especially popular in this era of terrible posture. The movement can certainly help strengthen postural muscles and get people out of that forward slumped posture. BUT many times, rowing can go wrong for people. I am going to talk about 4 ways the movement can do more harm than good and a few solutions!   1. Shoulder Dumping Forward   This is by far the most prevalent fault...

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