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Athletes -

In almost any program ever created, push-ups are in it. Why? They require no equipment, easy to accomplish, and you can get a pretty gnarly chest pump from it. But often times, they are butchered, people have found ways to make one of the most simple exercises look like a train wreck. Although great people have written plenty about doing the perfect push-up, people still do not listen or just have no idea. So, maybe me writing about it, will help a few folks out.   Just like the push-up, I am going to try to simplify this great movement...

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Coaches -

Being a good strength coach is what many in the field aspire to be. Of course, we all want to be the best, but below are just a few things I think you should knock off before you even think about the training part. Don’t get me wrong, we can’t check all of these off and then go out and make these kids do backflips with barbells on their back. Certainly, we need to be competent in the training aspect as well.   Every time I hear my athletes and their parents speak about my facility they never talk about...

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Coaches -

So, you’re at the store looking for shoes. To your right, there is a middle-aged male, and to the left, there is a teenage female. All three of you have different shoe sizes, buying shoes for your own needs, and find different shoe companies better than others. So we can assume, each one of you will purchase different shoes. This is very similar to training. Not one athlete has the same movement pathways, plays the same sport, and has the same goals as another. With that said, each person needs a program that is tailored to them. In this article,...

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Coaches -

Programming the best workout is something every coach aspires to do. If a coach says they know everything there is about programming, they shouldn't be coaching. All of the respected coaches I have met in this field have admitted they know nothing. I find this very accurate, as soon as I uncover one answer, another question arises. It can be frustrating at times, but it is how one stays sharp. You can dive into shin angles in a cut, heart rate variability for energy system training, or simply finding a way to motivate athletes with different mindsets.   Well, enough...

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Coaches -

Picture a pez dispenser opening up from it’s neck and giving you that sweet tasty candy. It’s great when talking about candy, but with movement, we want to stay away from being a pez dispenser. Take a look at our buddy Dave above. On the left he has a hyperextended neck and on the left he has a neutral neck position. During the article I am going to talk about why being on the right will benefit you much more than the left.    What is a "pez dispenser"?   When people squat, deadlift, row, etc. sometimes they have a...

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